Saturday, September 08, 2007

Holiday in Southwold!

We had a week of seaside fun planned when we set out for our holiday in Southwold, however with Ruby teething and David coming down with a hefty cold, we gave up after a few days and headed home. It didn't stop me taking Ruby to the pub to teach her about Adnams though!

Busy day at the office

We picked up this little baby activity centre from a car boot and as you can see Ruby loves it and treats it just like her office even taking calls from Grandma.

Going, going, gone!

The girls!

Lucy Mae was christened in August and this was a good opportunity to catch up with Simon, Jo and Sophie who came over for a couple of days!

Sleepy head!

You need a good nap when you're learning to talk and crawl!

Sidney the hero!

You may remember our last post about Sidney was very sad because we had to try and get him re-homed. Well in June he went to a training school in Surrey who tried to home him for us without success, they had a sister school in Wales where Sidney was sent in an attempt to try and find him a home. Unfortunately after a couple of failed attempts and no rescue centre willing to take him in we were faced with the horrible decision to have him put down. However, at the eleventh hour Sidney was whisked away by Manchester Search and Rescue Dogs to go and live and work with them! Obviously we were over the moon at this fantastic result and a great new life for Sidney! Hurrah!

Max's first birthday party!

On 10 August Max hosted an enormous Birthday party complete with marquee, bbq and sunshine!

We're back at last!

Many apologies for not updating our site for so long, but after a hectic August we now have plenty of new pictures for you coming up!