Monday, June 01, 2009

Signing off!

Hello and Goodbye! Thank you for visiting our blog over the past 2 and a half years, we have received some lovely comments about the site and have enjoyed posting our photos. However, as you may have noticed, we are very irregular bloggers and feel now would be a good time to end our Hobart Family Blog.

If you would like to receive the odd photo or two of the Hobart Family, simply send your email to and I will keep you up to date with pictures.

Many thanks!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Never work with children and animals...

You would think it is quite easy to take a picture of two children looking at the camera at the same time but these pictures are the best of many, many attempts! As you can see, Ruby is enthusiastic enough for the both of them judging by Harry's rather alarmed expression above!

Hello Harry!

As Harry seems to spend much of his time sleeping, eating and generally avoiding the camera, I have managed to capture from all angles this time so you can see him in full effect! He is now 7 months old, has two front teeth and can sit up for short periods on his own. Last week he moved into his own cot, in his own bedroom and thankfully sleeps through the night!

Even fairies have bad days..

Ruby's turn to wash up!

Happy Birthday Ruby!

Ruby's second birthday was celebrated in the grand tradition of presents, cakes, balloons, fairy castles and a hot date with on/off boyfriend Sam!

We're back!

Sorry folks for the long delay in getting pictures to you, but finding a spare half an hour is a bit challenging some days!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Growing up

New Years eve

We went to a fancy dress party (st. trinians) for New Years Eve with David and I both opting for teachers outfits!

Christmas Day

Late Arrivals

Both these pictures were taken just after Harry was born, as you can see from the top photo, David is still in shock as Harry was probably 30 minutes old when this was taken!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another snooze

Sorry for the lack of pictures of Harry but he mainly spends his time sleeping and eating at the moment! This wide awake shot was captured in between feeds!


We've been growing pumpkins in our little front garden since February for Ruby so when the big day finally arrived it was very exciting!


Rocket Man!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Snooze time


We had a week in Devon but unfortunately came down with a tummy bug and were glad to get home!

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo

We spent a lovely day at Cromer zoo with the Ellis family, a perfect way to end the Summer!


Rainy Days!

Ruby still enjoys being out in the garden despite the weather!